A Jew Is an Agent of Change

One of the lesser-known yet most significant moments in our nation’s history was when we received our very first mitzvah—how to set the Jewish calendar.
While still in Egypt, Hashem spoke to Moshe and Aaron, showed them the moon, and proclaimed:
This stage of the moon’s monthly renewal will signal the beginning of every new month. Exodus 12:2
Considering that we were still trapped in Egypt, living in a highly tense and difficult environment, one might wonder: why was establishing a calendar so significant at that moment?
When we see the horrific videos of hostage transfers while they are still in Gaza, we understand that freedom is not final until the very last moment. One cannot imagine the heroic girls about to be set free worrying about how to set their watches at that moment. “Right now, I just want to be free” is likely what is on their minds.
Additionally, shouldn’t “I am Hashem, your G-d” have been the first mitzvah we were given? Isn’t that the bedrock of Jewish belief?
In the chaos, at the outset, it was essential to establish that our role is to be an agent of change.
But it was specifically in the chaos, at the very outset—before even proclaiming the Ten Commandments—that the Jewish people needed to hear this message:
Look at the moon. See how it is reborn. Watch it renew. It is small now, but it will wax larger. It is never stagnant but always dynamic.
Your clock, your calendar, your life, your story is a lunar one.
Your role is not to be largely static like the sun; you are agents of change like the moon.
Don’t look at the world for what it is—see it for what it is supposed to be.
In the chaos, at the outset, it was essential to establish that our role is to be an agent of change.
Then we can be born and be set free.
For further reading see Nissan and Rosh Chodesh: Determining the New Month