A new world
Trump is hitting (and threatening to hit) numerous countries with tariffs. He is ridding America of left wing secularism regarding gender, race, and other issues. And he is working on expanding peace in the Middle East, evacuating Gaza, and eliminating the Iranian threat.
For years other countries have taken advantage of America’s kindness. China plundered secrets. Illegal immigrants took jobs. Countries sold products to Americans, and bought much less in return. Trump’s new tariffs aim to restore balance and fairness.
Relationships between genders used to be clearly defined. A blurring of lines created a dystopia of immodesty. Trump signed an order restoring the clear definition.
Numerous wars against Israel, culminating in the horrific massacre by Hamas, were brutal acts of murder. Trump’s plan to move Gazan civilians to other countries would give Israel much more ability and freedom of action to destroy Hamas. Doing so, and destroying terror in the West Bank, and defanging Iran, would stop the murders, and bring peace.
Chassidus explains that in the end of days, Edom (a.k.a. Esau, who is considered the forbearer of Rome and (culturally) of the Western world) will become refined. Perhaps Trump’s actions to remedy the world symbolize this.
The prophet Obadiah talks about Edom as a prelude to when “saviours will ascend the mountain of Zion to judge the mountain of Esau, and the Kingdom will become G-d’s.”
It will usher in an era when “G-d will be King over the entire world; on that day G-d will be One and His Name will be One.”(Zechariah 14; 9)
Holiness will prevail, and will permeate the entire world. All will accept His rulership; His Oneness will be felt in everything.
It will be a time when humanity will become aware of His presence. “And the world will be filled with knowledge of G-d, just as the waters cover the sea.” (Isaiah 11; 9)
The world will become a G-dly place. Perhaps current events that we are witnessing, signal that this time of Redemption with Moshiach is very close.
May we see it very soon.