Paula R. Stern

A Request to All Citizens of the World

I would like to ask everyone to contact their leaders and tell them that three Israeli children have been kidnapped. I don’t trust the media – I trust you. If you live in Canada or Australia – you don’t have to do this. Already these governments have condemned this horrible crime, this act of terror against children. But if you live somewhere else, perhaps the United States, France, Germany, or England – maybe they’ve been so busy over the weekend that they don’t know yet. For why else would they have failed to issue a single word of protest or condemnation?

I want those of you who are American to tell President Obama and your Senators and Congressmen that one of the boys – no less deserving than the other two – is an American citizen. Tell them the three boys – two of them only 16 years old, for God’s sake, and one of them 19 – were doing nothing but waiting for a ride home.

Tell them we are doing all we can – we are searching…and we are praying. In unbelievable numbers. In the middle of the night, in the minutes before dawn. In the schools. Tonight, tens of thousands will gather in the synagogues throughout this land. We are doing what we can.

Midnight prayer rally at Western Wall for kidnapped teens

Tell your leaders that they have a choice. They can bring the full weight of their diplomatic power to the front here and now and demand from the new Palestinian government that so many of them jumped to recognize just a short time ago. Let them demand that these boys be returned to their families safe and sound and fast…or there will be a war.

Already the army is making plans, mobilizing, calling up what reserves it needs. Things are being moved in place; we are getting ready. If it will happen, this war we will wage to bring our boys back, it will be Milchemet Mitzvah – an obligatory war, because we will not leave our children in the hands of these kidnappers. We will bring them home and God help the Palestinian people if they harm these children.

That’s right – a war – you see, we in Israel worship God…but we also worship our children. Maybe worship is the wrong word, but we love them beyond all words and we will not allow this to happen. Three Jewish children were taken – the Palestinians do not fully understand what we will do to get them home. They cannot understand. Any nation willing to send their sons to commit suicide cannot comprehend a country that commands its children to live.

We will get our sons home…

We don’t want war – but so help us, God – if the US does nothing…we will not stop when the US wakes up and Israel starts to move.

Now THREE JEWISH CHILDREN are being held by terrorists and murderers.You in Europe have as much responsibility as we do – you have allowed anti-Semitism to thrive once again in Europe and we offer the only safe port in the world for your Jewish citizens. It is Israel that keeps them safe from afar, not you. Some have been beaten, even murdered…but the Jews of Europe know we are here and we will take them. They know you have allowed radical Islam to spread its tentacles through many areas of your society and you have supported Hamas and their partners in this “unity government.”

You in America have as much of a responsibility as we do to get our boys home safely – so call your congressmen, call your president. Your government tied our hands, demanded we release prisoners, terrorists, murderers. They demanded, and we responded. We did it because we wanted to be seen by the world as doing all we could for peace. We came to the table – they walked away. We spoke of potential solutions; they demanded more prisoners and finally chose to unite with a terrorist leadership in Gaza.

And to my Israeli friends – no, I don’t expect Obama to step in and save these boys. We will do all we can to make that happen. OUR sons are looking, searching, listening, doing all we can. Because yes, the future of our people, our nation rests here in Israel. But what we know to be the truth does not change the obligation of every Jew to do what they can to redeem hostages. It is a Biblical command – let’s see it happen.

We will bring our boys back. Operation Shuvu Achim – Operation Return our Brothers has begun, how far it has to go, will be determined outside this country. If Europe and the US act now, war may be averted. Have no doubt, for our children, we will fight. We will bring them home, if you don’t. We did not rebuild our ancient homeland to allow our children to be kidnapped and murdered here. These are not the streets of Belgium and France. This is Israel, our land, and we will protect our children.

About the Author
Paula R. Stern is CEO of WritePoint Ltd., a leading technical writing company in Israel. Her personal blog, A Soldier's Mother, has been running for more than 5 years. She lives in Maale Adumim with her husband and children, a dog, too many birds, and a desire to write her thoughts and dream of a trip to Italy, Scotland, and beyond.
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