Adam Borowski

A warning against political vultures

I’m watching the release of three hostages happening live. Surrounded by Hamas and handed over to the Red Cross personnel, it is a harrowing scene indeed. While we ought to be joyous, the fact these people were stuck for fifteen months in hell can’t be forgotten and – in my opinion – forgiven. Yes, expediency is vital and negotiating with the enemy to secure the release of more hostages is a pragmatic move. Releasing Palestinian prisoners, well, we can debate this all day.

I’m sure there will be forces, political or otherwise, who are going to want to use these hostages, or rather the world’s attention directed at them, to further their agendas. We ought to ensure that doesn’t happen and these vultures don’t turn traumatized people into political pawns.

I’m not going to theorize, speculate and pontificate about the psychological damage inflicted on the hostages, their potential brainwashing by their captors, and so on. I’m thousands of miles away and there are people on the ground much more equipped to deal with the psychological fallout and trauma than me.

I’m not going to say if this is a good deal or a bad deal – I don’t want to be another smart Alec; an armchair commentator. These hostages need peace and not dissecting their lives by the media circus.

There’s really not much to add. The scenes we’re witnessing are as profound, as they are harrowing. A warning for us all about what kind of a dark era we’ve entered in the world.

So please. Don’t turn these people into political pawns because – I’m sure – there are vultures already circling around and waiting for their pound of virtue-signaling flesh to bask in the spotlight and scheming to use the hostages as pawns in the political chess game to build political capital.

About the Author
Adam Borowski is a technical Polish-English translator with a background in international relations and a keen interest in understanding how regime propaganda brainwashes people so effectively. He's working on a novel the plot of which is set across multiple realities. In the novel, he explores the themes of God, identity, regimes, parallel universes, genocide and brainwashing. His Kyiv Post articles covering a wide range of issues can be found at
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