Lara Itzhaki

Am Israel Chai – A Picture is worth a thousand words

I am writing this with tears in my eyes.  Tears of joy and tears of sorrow.  Our oldest son, Avi is the first of our family to go with his school to Poland.  In the cold cities, villages and forests of Poland, my son with his 12th grade Yeshiva class are being shown what Jewish life was before the Shoah and what happened during the Shoah.  They are not spared any sights…Beautiful shuls that were left empty, forests where babies and children were murdered and buried, work camps, death camps, crematoriums…images that they heard of but now they are actually there, witnesses to the darkness that looms over our Jewish history.

The delegation has one of the boys videoing the weeklong journey into the past and taking pictures of our sons watching what man can do and has done.  I feel as if I am there with them, looking at the mountain of ashes and the piles of shoes of those that were murdered in the war.

I am proud of our son for being part of Am Israel that is living in Israel, building Israel.

The pictures of the boys with the Israeli flags proudly being worn is worth more than we can ever understand.  We won!!!  They tried to destroy us all but failed!!!!  We have our own country!!!! What a miracle!!!

I believe deep down every Jew belongs in Israel.  Some may feel it more than others, some may want to make Aliyah but are scared.  I really understand those people. Change is hard.  Moving half way around the world can be even harder. But watching the pictures over and over again I feel that this is my mission.  I want to help people make Aliyah.  I want people to know there will be someone here holding their hand, guiding them, asking how they are doing and really caring.

Olim Advisors  was founded to help Olim with their Aliyah process.

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About the Author
I have a bachelor's degree in Social Work from Hebrew University. I chose that field because I love helping people. I am proud to be an Israeli and am grateful for the zchut to be living in Israel. I co-founded Olim Advisors to support, guide and advocate for individuals and families during their Aliyah process. I am thrilled to be combining my love of Israel and love of helping people through this organization.
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