An ‘open letter’ to Greta as she travels the world and speaks up for us all
Kid, you rock! Keep rockin’ and keep rocking the boat. With your voice, your words, your passion, your angst, you are waking your generation up. It’s important.
Greta, when I was 19, long ago, I lived in Stockholm aboard the ”Af Chapman” sailing vessel docked in the city harbor and used as a youth hostel for young people travelling in Europe. Summer 1969. Memories.
Greta, I want to tell you today about a new genre for novels and movies that we in America call “cli-fi.” It stands for climate change novels or movies. Not “sci-fi” but “cli-fi.” It’s something you might be interested in:
I’m telling you about cli-fi — climate-themed novels and movies — today because I hope that as you get older and write more books, even TV scripts for Swedish drama series there, you might take an interest in cli-fi and perhaps write a YA cli-fi novel for children and teens…
So with this open letter, I’m hoping you will want to learn more about the cli-fi genre and discuss it with your friends and followers. And perhaps read some cli-fi novels by Scandinavian writers in Sweden Finland and Norway…
And most importantly, as you enter your 20s and 30s, I hope you might try your hand at writing a cli-fi novel for adults. I just want to wish you well, good luck, and tell you about my Swedish friend in Goteborg, Staffan Fenander, who I met in Rome in 1969 while he was busking.
Staffan is an old man now, like me, 70, but we remain “forever young” in our hearts and minds, and I hope you will remain forever young, too.
Goodbye and good luck, Greta, I hope this post finds you in happy spirits during your sojourn in North America, Central America, and South America (and arriving soon in Chile, too, in early December).
Here’s looking at ya, Kid….
So do your best, Greta. Give it your best shot. I know you will.
Ciao, from Danny Bloom, doing my best to promote cli-fi to the world as “a wake up call” literary genre.