An Open Letter to those who Forced Rabbi Lookstein to Withdraw from Giving an Invocation to the RNC Convention
I have no problem with you personally expressing you opinions to Rabbi Lookstein, or to anyone else for that matter.
But to publicly organize an effort which ended up forcing him to withdraw from giving the invocation to the RNC convention was beyond the pale.
Do you realize how much damage you have done?
Do you realize how much you have publicly embarrassed Rabbi Lookstein, a great Rabbi?
Do you realize how much you have publicly embarrassed Ivanka Kushner, a great Jew?
Do you realize how much you have publiciy embarrassed the Jewish Community?
Do you realize how your actions may be seen by Mr. Trump (whether you like him or not) and how they may affect his feelings towards the Jewish Community, the Jewish People and the State of Israel?
Do you realize how your actions may be seen by Senator Mike Pence, a strong supporter of the State of Israel and a strong fighter against BDS?
Do you realize how your actions may be seen by all those pro-Israel, anti-BDS Republicans, attending the convention or not?
Do you realize that, now, those attending the RNC Convention will not have the benefit of listening to and learning from a leading Jewish teacher and leader?
Do you realize that, now, those on the ‘other’ side will demand that whichever Rabbi (assuming the DNC does invite a Rabbi) invited to give an invocation to the DNC convention withdraw so as not to show support for HRC who’s support of the Iran fiasco does not bode well for the survival of Israel?
Do you realize how much of a balagan you’ve created unnecessarily – which will, for sure, damage efforts to build strong support for Israel?