And now, Netanyahu, who listens to you?
Netanyahu, the party is over and the lights have gone out. No more spotlights for you, only shadows. That indomitable leader, who once seemed invincible, now stands before a shattered mirror, reflecting a distorted and decayed image.
Your fiery speeches are now empty echoes, broken promises disintegrating in the air. Your voice, once powerful, is now just a whisper lost in the wind. And now, Netanyahu, who still believes in you? Your allies have scattered, tired of a leadership that promised everything and delivered nothing. Your power, once a beacon, is now a flickering flame about to extinguish.
You, who fancied yourself the savior, the political messiah, are now just a naked king, exposed in your fragility. The people who once revered you now look at you with disdain, with the impatience of those who have grown weary of waiting for miracles. Your throne, which once seemed eternal, now teeters precariously on the ruins of your promises.
Netanyahu, what remains of your greatness? The promised land has become a field of disillusionment, a stage of shattered dreams. The smiles that once surrounded you have turned into severed faces, marked by distrust and resentment.
You, who so often mocked others, now find yourself the target of derision. The applause has silenced, replaced by the murmur of disillusionment. Reality is relentless and, like a cruel mirror, reflects the naked and raw truth: you have failed. And now, Netanyahu, who listens to you? Who follows you? The echo of your words no longer resonates in hearts, leaving only an uncomfortable void.
Your journey, once glorious, has turned into a lonely and melancholic trek. History, which you believed you could shape, now slips through your fingers, leaving only the trail of a leader who failed to understand his own people. And now, Netanyahu, what will be your legacy? The glory of an illusory past or the shadow of a disappointing present?
Netanyahu, what do you see on the horizon? A future that no longer belongs to you, marked by uncertainty and despair. Your reign is fading, and what remains is the bitter reality of a crumbling leadership, a leader lost in his own arrogance.
And now, Netanyahu, history does not forgive. It will judge you, not by your empty promises, but by your concrete failures. You, who believed yourself eternal, are now just a name on the list of those who did not know when to leave. And now, Netanyahu, what remains beyond silence and solitude?