Ira Khrakovsky Dotan

Anniversary under fire

Three years ago we got married at “Andromeda House” in Jaffa. It was the most fun and happy wedding I have ever attended (I’m objective, of course ). When we got home, Guy said “I would have married you like that again tomorrow.” It was 2:30 at night and we were happy and drunk.

Two years ago at this time we celebrated our first wedding anniversary at the “Scotish Hotel” in Tiberias. Chances are high that at 2:30 at night Guy was snoring and I didn’t. Girls don’t snore.

A year ago, with a pregnant belly, we made our way to Eilat. We were resting at the Dolphin Reef, ate too much while complaining about the heat and in my case about the extra fat as well. At 2:30 at night I was probably snoring and pushing Guy out of bed, completely denying everything the morning after.

And now, three years after that amazing celebration, 2:30 at night and an alarm is sounding.

We ran to the stairway in our pajamas with Alma in my hands and waited for the coming booms. Alma woke up of corse and the meaning if this was very clear to us. A sleepless night. Very sleepless.

I shall put aside the grim reality for a moment and focus on the good, at least for one day. I have the most amazing family I could ask for and no alarm can ever change that. Mazel Tov to us. I just hope that during our next anniversary, and those that follow, we will sleep peacefully and only argue about who woke up who with the snores (he woke me up with his of course).

So next year in the Caribbean, right?
Bora Bora would also be nice, or at least a vacation in the Dead Sea.

The Dead Sea. Photo credit: Ido Simyoni
The Dead Sea. Photo credit: Ido Simyoni
About the Author
A true web enthusiast, known on social networks as "irahok". Likes fashion, good food and Excel sheets. Writes, photographs, engineers, and attempts to spice up life with humor and a smile. Lives in Tel-Aviv, married to Guy, and a mother to Alma who made her world complete.