The Sefat Emet points out an anomaly in the manner that Hashem runs the world.
He is so much in control of every detail in the world, that he even gives strength to the Rasha, the evil person, to act against his own will.
We might have assumed that free will means that man is in complete control of all of the decisions that he makes. While this is true to a large extent, the Rabbis wrote, הקב״ה שולט על הבחירה, that G-d is the ultimate ruler of all choices. This is a great wonder of the secrets of creation
Man does have the ability to go against the will of Hashem. It is remarkable that this is allowed by G-d. However, at a point when the choice is pure evil, such as that of Pharoah, this free will is removed, so that the wicked person be punished as he deserves.
The Sefat Emet emphasizes that the intellect of man is incapable of understanding this anomaly. But people of faith accept this as absolute truth. We must learn to submit our will, to the will of G-d.