As the search continues and the conflict worsens
Bring Back our Boys
June 13th, 2014, the day in Israel when three teenage boys went missing
But now two weeks have nearly come and passed
The nation is waiting; the families are praying
Yet the other side continues with their playing and hating
Three boys are still missing
And the nation keeps insisting
The Israel defense forces will not stop their search
For every citizen will always come first
The other side attacks because of their enduring lack of the facts
Israel wants peace and for all this conflict to decease
But if you attempt to make us weak
We will never give in to defeat
The good shall prevail even if you continue to pour down on us such stabbing showers of hail
Am yisrael chai is a fact not one can deny
For against all the odds and illegitimate hate
Israel’s endurance is here to stay
We shall remain no matter what immoral pain you force us to attain