Dr. Amel Amer, lawyer and mediator, an educator with about twenty years of experience in teaching, training and management at the Ministry of Education, holds a bachelor's degree in education, a bachelor's degree in law and a bachelor's degree in communications, a master's degree in a research track from the University of Haifa and a PhD with honors in education, a graduate of executive training of Avni Rasha and a graduate of diploma studies in administration, leadership and policy in education from the Open University and a fellow of the Beyond the Horizon program at the Institute of Inspectors. Winner of the award for outstanding doctoral students for research outputs in the years 2015-2015 and the scholarship of the Center for Druze Heritage in Israel, author of the book Education Policy in Israel - The Journey of Druze Education https://bit.ly/3ACWIO9 . Formerly the director of the Democratic School in Hadera, the director of the Beit Hanina comprehensive school in Jerusalem. Currently in a postdoctoral position at the University of Haifa and a lecturer at the Ono Academic College and the Arab Academic College of Education in Haifa.