Aml Amer

Aml Amer

About Me
Dr. Amel Amer, lawyer and mediator, an educator with about twenty years of experience in teaching, training and management at the Ministry of Education, holds a bachelor's degree in education, a bachelor's degree in law and a bachelor's degree in communications, a master's degree in a research track from the University of Haifa and a PhD with honors in education, a graduate of executive training of Avni Rasha and a graduate of diploma studies in administration, leadership and policy in education from the Open University and a fellow of the Beyond the Horizon program at the Institute of Inspectors. Winner of the award for outstanding doctoral students for research outputs in the years 2015-2015 and the scholarship of the Center for Druze Heritage in Israel, author of the book Education Policy in Israel - The Journey of Druze Education . Formerly the director of the Democratic School in Hadera, the director of the Beit Hanina comprehensive school in Jerusalem. Currently in a postdoctoral position at the University of Haifa and a lecturer at the Ono Academic College and the Arab Academic College of Education in Haifa.
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