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Anna Roiser
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Apr 14, 2024, 5:31 PM
From Anatevka to Wadi Siq
Anatevka played on repeat in my mind as we gazed across at the ruins of Wadi Siq, as we drove through what remained of the village and as we met some of its displaced families. At the end of Fiddler on the Roof, Jews are...
Mar 7, 2024, 11:01 PM
We must not lose our humanity
Children in Gaza are starving to death whilst a couple of miles away people eat lavish meals. These are deaths that have been warned of for months. This is no longer about politics, this is about humanity. You can believe Hamas is evil and should...
Oct 24, 2023, 5:31 PM
Compassion is not a pizza with eight slices
With each horrific new detail that emerges about the massacres and abductions carried out by Hamas terrorists, our pain and grief for the people of Israel deepens. It is impossible to comprehend the scale of the loss, with 1,400 people killed, including entire families, and...
Feb 27, 2023, 10:35 AM
Judicial reform isn’t the only threat to Israeli democracy
In recent weeks Jewish-Israeli society and diaspora Jewish communities have been galvanized by the Israeli government’s proposed “judicial reforms”. Their concerns that the weakening of Israel’s judicial system will irrevocably undermine Israel’s democracy are, as many have explained, well-placed. However, other steps being taken by...
Oct 9, 2022, 5:29 PM
Hidden in plain sight: Palestinian Jerusalem
Marie van der Zyl’s lobbying for Truss to take the Trumpian step of moving the UK’s Israeli embassy to Jerusalem was not only misguided and potentially dangerous, but also highlighted our community’s distorted perception of Jerusalem as a solely Jewish city. When we travel to...
Oct 5, 2021, 12:42 PM
Let’s not settle for half-truths
The Jewish News’ Rosh Hashanah edition featured an ad to buy lots in “Givat Adumim”. It was described as “the largest housing project only four miles from Jerusalem”, with nearby conveniences including the “Design City” shopping mall and the “Magic Kass” amusement park. Whilst that...
Jul 16, 2021, 12:21 AM
What was the Nation State Law really about?
Last week, Israel’s Supreme Court upheld the controversial 2018 Nation State Law. Ten of the eleven judges rejected claims that the quasi-constitutional law conflicted with democratic principles by discriminating against Israel’s Palestinian citizens in declaring that national self-determination in Israel is unique to the Jewish...
Feb 22, 2021, 6:37 PM
Communal leaders must speak out against Jewish supremacy
Earlier this month, Israel’s Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu entered an election pact with Jewish Power, an explicitly Jewish supremacist party. Jewish Power’s platform includes working to expel Israel’s Palestinian-Arab citizens (referred to as “Israel’s enemies”), fighting “assimilation” (relationships between Jews and non-Jews), war on “land...
Nov 20, 2020, 10:39 AM
The occupation calls for more than reflection
Harrison Engler recently wrote a heartfelt defence of UJIA’s Israel education, explaining that it had enabled him to become someone who, whilst not always proud of Israel’s actions, was always proud of his connection to Israel. Drawing on his experiences as a chanich, madrich and...
Jul 5, 2020, 1:21 PM
Why we need to speak about the Absentee Property Law
A few weeks ago I wrote a blog about the Sumarins, an East Jerusalem family facing eviction under Israel’s 1950 Absentee Property Law. The resulting hostility took me by surprise: the comments were so abusive they had to be closed, and a blog supposedly responding...
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About Me
Anna Roiser is a lawyer with an MA in Israeli Studies who has spent time living in Jerusalem. She is a trustee of the New Israel Fund UK and a member of the national Steering Group of UK Friends of Standing Together.
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