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Nov 27, 2019, 12:30 PM
Our fears are not hyperbole or melodrama
There have been a number of things in the past few days that have highlighted perfectly the problem with antisemitism in the Labour party. Firstly Leader Of The Opposition Jeremy Corbyn claimed all accusations of antisemitism had been investigated, which simply is not true. Which...
Aug 21, 2019, 12:20 PM
Which is a bigger threat to society?
Which is the bigger threat to society? The far-right or the far-left? I would argue the two are inextricably linked, particularly when it comes to Jews and conspiracy theory. Let me explain. You see, the far-right often use antisemitic tropes about Jews and money in...
Oct 30, 2018, 9:59 PM
We can’t play politics with our oppression, from left or right
After the recent heinous murder of 11 innocent people during Shabbos by a far right terrorist we are again reminded that the far right pose a serious threat to the safety of Jews in the US and Europe. Far right politics is on the rise....
Sep 12, 2018, 4:33 PM
Antisemitism, the left, Israel and Palestine
Time and time again when we discuss antisemitism on the left we are met with “Anti-Zionism isn’t antisemitism!” and “Arabs are Semites too!” and “I don’t hate Jews, I just criticise Israel.” etc. Let us forget for a moment that conflating Jews, antisemitism and Israel...
Apr 19, 2018, 12:21 PM
None of us have done enough to root out anti-Semitism from Labour
The general debate on anti-Semitism took place in the House of Commons this week. A debate which really ought not be necessary in 2018. Anti-semitism should have been consigned to the dustbin of history a long time ago. But sadly, it was necessary. Anti-Semitism is...
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About Me
Ariel Moshe is a political activist and co-founder of the political group Jewish Voice UK.
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