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Apr 27, 2017, 4:29 PM
This never-ending meltdown over Israel is the distress of fools
To see how illiberal and outright irrational anti-Israel sentiment has become, look no further than the fear and horror that has gripped SOAS over tonight’s visit by Mark Regev. Yes, in a brilliant PR move, Regev, the colourful Israeli Ambassador to the UK, has agreed...
Nov 16, 2016, 4:49 PM
Anti-Semitism and the rise of the un-PC loudmouth
Is Steve Bannon, Donald Trump’s chief strategist, an anti-Semite? It seems unlikely. Yes, he may have been chief executive of Breitbart, the angry right-wing news website whose comment section is frequently clogged up by white kids blathering on about “Jewish control”. Yes, he may be...
May 5, 2016, 7:29 PM
Don’t blame Corbyn for this mess
Something in the media fury about Labour’s anti-Semites doesn’t add up. We’re told that Jeremy Corbyn, being a stiff old radical and noted friend of Hamas, has helped to turn a once respectable party into a seething hotbed of Jew hatred. But the people being...
Apr 20, 2016, 12:31 PM
Bonkers student politics has the NUS president it deserves
If you want to know how screwed-up student politics has become, get this: the National Union of Students is now run by someone who describes the mainstream media as “Zionist-led”. Yes, this supposedly radical student outfit, famously packed with lefties who fancy themselves as progressive,...
Dec 12, 2015, 1:00 PM
The wretched reason why Israel became Europe’s whipping boy
The right-on are always raising concerns, and raising the political heat, over what they refer to as the Siege of Gaza by Israel. But what about the siege of Israel by Europe? It might not be a military siege – although many a supposedly peacenik...
Oct 16, 2015, 1:00 PM
According to the left, Israeli citizens deserve to be murdered
It’s been clear for years that the left has been losing the moral plot. But I never thought I would see it apologise for, even defend, the stabbing to death of Jews. The silver lining for the left is that it’s impossible for it to...
Aug 16, 2015, 1:00 PM
Anti-Zionists are not as different from anti-Semites as they’d like to think
THERE’S NO evidence Jeremy Corbyn is an anti-Semite. But the storm over his dodgy associates has thrown up ample evidence that the modern left doesn’t take anti-Semitism seriously. It’s extraordinary. Ours is an era of super-sensitivity towards race and prejudice. A politician who cracks a...
Apr 16, 2015, 1:00 PM
Yarmouk exposes callous double standards of ugly Israel bashers
If there were an award for double standards, for getting crazily angry about some people’s behaviour while turning a blind eye to other people’s behaviour, anti-Israel activists would win it every year. These are people who take to the streets to march and holler whenever...
Feb 16, 2015, 1:00 PM
The new anti-Semitism
On 19 February I took part in a debate about the new anti-Semitism at the Central Synagogue in London. Here are my opening comments. One thing has become very clear over the past six weeks, which is that lots of influential people don’t think anti-Semitism is...
Feb 16, 2015, 1:00 PM
Why’s the left silent on Greek coalition with anti-Semitic party?
Anyone who held their breath waiting for the mainstream British left to condemn Syriza’s union with the populist right-wing Independent Greeks will have croaked it long ago. Normally, the rise to prominence of any nationalistic right-wing European party with a racist bent makes left-wingers apoplectic....
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Brendan O'Neill is editor of Spiked.
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