Diana Diner, Hadassah’s Israel and Zionism Educator, is the driving force behind a group of Hadassah programs designed to showcase the diversity of Zionism today. The programs include Hadassah’s annual “18 American Zionist Women You Should Know” list; “What Zionism Means to Me,” a series of panel discussions around the country, and “Inspire Zionism,” Hadassah’s first Zionist symposium. The daughter of Russian immigrants, Diner credits the 10 days she spent in 2005 on Birthright Israel with inspiring her career in Zionism education. Before joining Hadassah in 2020, she spent almost 20 years working with teens and young adults at Birthright, Hillel International, the Israel on Campus Coalition, Masa Israel Journey, Young Judaea and the Israeli Consulate in New York. The mother of two young children, she lives in New Jersey with her husband.