Diane Joy Schmidt

Diane Joy Schmidt

Publisher and editor of the New Mexico Jewish Journal
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About Me
Diane Joy Schmidt, publisher and editor of the new, independent, online, state-wide New Mexico Jewish Journal which launched in March of 2024, was senior correspondent and columnist since 2008 for the New Mexico Jewish Link (now closed), the Gallup Independent, the Navajo Times and a contributor to the Chicago Tribune, Tikkun, Lilith, Hadassah Magazine, Santa Fe New Mexican and the Intermountain Jewish News. Her columns and articles have received eight Rockower Awards from the American Jewish Press Association in eight years as well as first place awards from the Society of Professional Journalists, the Arizona Press Association, the Native American Journalists Association, and the National Federation of Press Women. She grew up on Chicago's North Shore in the traditions of Reform Judaism, is anchored by her memories of the fireflies at Union Institute camp and the Big Dipper over Lake Michigan, and is an admirer of all things spiritually resonant.
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