Etta Bendavid

Etta Bendavid

About Me
Etta is a pastoral counsellor in private practice, specializing in loss and grief, and a qualified Morah L’Halacha. Etta earned MA degrees in Midrash/Theology and Education, and has been teaching for many years, incorporating a passion for music and drama. Together with her husband Rav Eitan Bendavid, Etta made aliyah in 2017 to Ra'anana, where she serves as Rabbanit at Kehillat Shivtei Yisrael in Raanana and is proud mother to Aryeh Lev, Boaz, Talya and Adir. (*Pastoral counselling is a form of psychotherapy that uses spiritual resources, as well as psychological understanding, for healing and growth)
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