F. Andrew Wolf Jr.

F. Andrew Wolf Jr.

Director - The Fulcrum Institute
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About Me
I am Director of The Fulcrum Institute, a new organization of current and former scholars in the Humanities, Arts and Sciences. The institute is dedicated to the classical liberal tradition whereby human freedom is a function of natural law and is justified through an appeal to that which is the sufficient reason why there is something rather than nothing-- why the universe is rather than is not – which many call God. (The website-URL will be live by December of 2024. The web address will be My life has been an investment in service to the United States, its people and my family. After serving with USAF (Lt.Col.-Intel), I completed graduate work in philosophy (PhD), 2 masters degrees in philosophy and philosophical theology and the Sacrae Theologiae Licentiatus in Wales, US, South African and England, respectively and taught the same in the US and S. Africa. My primary interest is in working towards an economic and political world in which more voices are heard and America plays a more positive role in that effort. Having traveled extensively in Europe, England, Wales and especially Southeast Asia, I publish through both US (American Spectator, The Hill, The Thinking Conservative, The American Thinker, The Daily Philosophy, Academic Questions: National Association of Scholars, Liberty Nation, Crisis, Catholic Exchange, Catholic Insight, Remnant, Mises Institute, James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal) and international media (International Policy Digest, Eurasia Review, Cairo Review of Global Affairs, Middle East Monitor, Canada Free Press, Geopolitical Monitor, Real Clear World, Horn Observer, Qoshe, Daily News Hungary). Forthcoming is the text, Our Sense of Relatedness as well as texts on Philosophy and Philosophical Theology. I have a passion for sailing and hold a US patent on a sailboat tiller design for various marine craft. My wife, from whom I confess I have learned so much, is both French and gracious -- we have a great son at university.
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