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Harry Markham
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Jun 7, 2021, 6:01 PM
Free speech matters for all at UCL, and so does disruptive thinking
University College London, a self-proclaimed institution of ‘disruptive thinking’, takes great pride in its origins. And rightly so. At a time when only white men of the Church of England could benefit from tertiary education, the opening of the ‘Godless institution of Gower Street’ to...
Apr 8, 2020, 4:34 PM
Feeling guilty? You must be Jewish!
“What’s Jewish Alzheimer’s disease? It’s when you forget everything but the guilt.” All of us have met the person who will say, `Yeah, but why provoke an antisemite by wearing your kippah or your Magen David? Hide it and keep your Jewishness schtum.` Yes, we...
Mar 31, 2020, 3:01 PM
What Arab patriotism can teach us Zionists
“From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free!” The Palestinian cause will clearly settle for nothing less than every inch of the State of Israel. This is because this ideology believes we Jews are occupying the land that they believe is theirs. One...
Mar 24, 2020, 6:46 AM
Why being pro-Israel must not replace Zionism
“If Jews having a right to self-determination is political, then it became so when the “land” was promised to them 3,000 years ago. But note, the claim was not man-made, but rather granted by Almighty God. Taking this promise and bringing it down from heaven...
Mar 6, 2020, 4:03 PM
Why Peace Week makes war
Every March for the last 15 years, Palestinian societies and groups within universities in this country and around the world, run Israel Apartheid Week (IAW). The official twitter page of Apartheid Week summarises it in the following way: “#IsraeliApartheidWeek (IAW) aims to educate about apartheid...
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About Me
Harry is a student at UCL and the incoming president of the UCL Friends of Israel Society.
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