Inna Rogatchi is author of War & Humanity and co-author of POST-HARMONY special projects originated in the aftermath of the October 7th, 2023 massacre in Israel. Inna is internationally acclaimed public figure, writer, scholar, artist, art curator and film-maker, the author of widely prized film on Simon Wiesenthal: The Lessons of Survival and other important documentaries on modern history. She is an expert on public diplomacy and was a long-term international affairs adviser for the Members of the European Parliament. She lectures on the topics of international politics and public diplomacy widely. Her professional trade-mark is inter-weave of history, arts, culture, psychology and human behaviour. She is the author of the concept of the Outreach to Humanity cultural and educational projects conducted internationally by The Rogatchi Foundation of which Inna is the co-founder and President. She is also the author of Culture for Humanity concept of The Rogatchi Foundation global initiative that aims to provide psychological comfort to people by the means of high-class arts and culture in challenging times and situations. Inna is the wife of the world renowned artist Michael Rogatchi. Her family is closely related to the famous Rose-Mahler musical dynasty. Together with her husband, Inna is a founding member of Music, Art and Memory, M.A.M. international cultural educational and commemorative initiative which runs various multi-disciplinary projects in several countries. Her professional interests are focused on Jewish heritage, arts and culture, commemorative art, history, Holocaust and post-Holocaust, October 7th and post-October 7th challenges. She is author of many projects of the commemorative art, and of several projects on artistic and intellectual studies on various aspect of the Torah and Jewish spiritual heritage. She is twice laureate of the Italian Il Volo di Pegaso Italian National Art, Literature and Music Award, the Patmos Solidarity Award, the New York Jewish Children's Museum Award for Outstanding Contribution into the Arts and Culture (together with her husband), and the other recognitions. Inna Rogatchi is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Jewish Community of Helsinki and Finland. Previously, she was the member of the Board of the Finnish National Holocaust Remembrance Association, and is member of the International Advisory Board of The Rumbula Memorial Project ( USA). Her art can be seen at Silver Strings: Inna Rogatchi Art site -