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Jun 10, 2019, 6:25 PM
We should have been told about the Hezbollah bomb-making factory
Many of us have never needed convincing about just how dangerous Hezbollah is. That’s why – alongside Jewish communal organisations and colleagues from across the House of Commons – we campaigned to have this antisemitic terror group proscribed in its entirety. Belatedly, and under much...
May 14, 2019, 5:29 PM
Whether Farage or Corbyn, we must reject the politics of scapegoating
We’re all too familiar with Nigel Farage’s fear-mongering populism. It is, therefore, shocking but totally unsurprising to find that the Brexit Party leader repeatedly appeared as a guest of a US far-right talkshow host and reportedly peddled conspiracy theories, some of which are associated with...
Nov 19, 2018, 2:41 PM
Middle East peace must go beyond party politics
The past year has seen precious little progress for those of us who wish to see peace between Israel and the Palestinians. Last week’s terrible events in Gaza are a reminder of the fragility of the situation. Hamas’ indiscriminate attacks on Israeli civilians, the dire...
May 15, 2018, 4:29 PM
Time to end Gaza’s cycle of violence
The terrible and shocking events in Gaza yesterday require urgent and immediate action to end the cycle of violence and address the plight of its people. Like any other country, Israel has a right to defend its people and its communities, especially those which are...
Apr 10, 2018, 6:17 PM
Marching against the peril of indifference
This week, I am visiting Poland on a three day trip as part in March of the Living. It provides a unique opportunity for young people from all over the world to mark Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Memorial Day, by marching from Auschwitz to Birkenau, the...
Mar 7, 2018, 2:42 PM
Pledge to end Gaza crisis offers a solution, not a soundbite
The humanitarian situation in Gaza is desperate and deeply concerning. Electricity supplies are highly restricted; water and sewage facilities are under strain; rising unemployment has hit 40 percent, with an estimated six in 10 young people out of work. For many people this crisis has...
Jul 19, 2017, 5:58 PM
Coexistence projects are key to building peace
This week’s announcement by the government that it will invest up to £3 million over the next three years in coexistence projects which bring together Israelis and Palestinians represents a huge step forward in Labour Friends of Israel’s five-year campaign to secure more investment in...
Oct 18, 2015, 5:01 PM
Corbyn’s missed opportunity to reassure on Israel
Last week in Brighton, over 500 people attended Labour Friends of Israel’s annual Labour party conference reception. It was one of the biggest meetings at the conference, demonstrating the level and breadth of support that LFI continues to receive within the Labour party. One story, of...
Sep 18, 2015, 5:01 PM
It’s time for an open and frank dialogue
Over the coming weeks and months, I intend to begin an open and frank dialogue with Labour’s new leadership. On behalf of LFI’s supporters, I want to do three things. First, we will make clear to Jeremy Corbyn why some are deeply concerned about statements...
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About Me
Joan Ryan MP is parliamentary chair of Labour Friends of Israel.
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