Lana Diamond Weinstein

Lana Diamond Weinstein

Hadassah Life Member, Hadasah Writers' Circle
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About Me
Lana Diamond Weinstein is a Life Member of Hadassah and a member of the Hadassah Writers' Circle. She searches for meaning in both the sacred seasons and mundane moments of life and writes to make sense of the world. She has spent her career in public relations, marketing, and free-lance writing for women’s, healthcare, and non-profit organizations, as well as for advertising, public relations, and branding agencies. The Public Relations Society of America, Philadelphia Chapter, awarded a statewide campaign she led to promote organ donation with a “Best of Show” Award and numerous first-place awards. The Pennsylvania State Education Association, Mideastern Region, honored her with their annual Friend of Education Award. Lana loves to travel and keep active. She lives in suburban Philadelphia with her husband and delights in spending time with her two children, their spouses, and three grandchildren.
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