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Sep 13, 2017, 6:02 PM
This Paul Hollywood witch hunt takes the biscuit
Let’s get one thing absolutely clear from the start. The Nazis were a deluded and dangerous bunch of murderous fascists who sought to cleanse an entire continent of those they deemed undesirable, criminal or sick. You were targeted for cleansing as a result of your...
Apr 18, 2017, 5:50 PM
Spicer latest to ride the wave of faux Fuhrerism
Yet another supposed big beast and skilled communicator from the arena of politics falls foul of invoking the name of Hitler or the ideals of Nazism in a cheap way to try and stun an audience with the magnitude of their comparison. Sadly, for White...
Feb 28, 2017, 6:23 PM
These comparisons with the Kindertransport are crass
When an issue as charged and explosive as to how Britain should react to the migrant crisis engulfing Europe comes along, it’s hardly surprising it provokes great swathes of emotion, howls of protest and deep soul-searching. However, the narrative that has been allowed to spring...
Jan 11, 2017, 6:28 PM
The trial of Azaria shows Israel’s beacon status in the Middle East
The extraordinary case of Sergeant Elor Azaria, the Israeli soldier convicted of manslaughter for shooting a Palestinian assailant in the head as he lay critically wounded on the ground, speaks to the very heart of of what the state of Israel is all about. While...
Nov 23, 2016, 1:18 PM
After Brexit and Trump, brace yourself for Le Pen
You would have needed to live on a different planet not to have picked up on the sea change that is happening in global politics. Frustrated with years of being ignored or, even more frustratingly being talked down to by generations of politicians, voters have...
Sep 30, 2016, 11:06 AM
Anti-Semitism affects Jews and non-Jews
Chillingly, it is in the headlines all too frequently. During the last week, the scourge that is anti-Semitism seems to have infected everything from the Labour Party to the Church of England. Troubling times indeed. Much has been written about Labour’s transparent problems in its...
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Nick Ferrari is a TV & Radio presenter
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