I was born in Spokane WA and raised in Seattle. Debra Kandel and I were married in 1956. I was graduated from Yeshiva University in 1957 with a major in Mathematics, and began a long career as a pioneer in computer systems and software development, working for TRW, Aerospace, and IBM in the US, and later for Elbit, MLL, and Motorola in Israel, with much time as an independent consultant as well. As a hobby I also taught at many universities in Israel, including as an Adjunct Professor at Bar-Ilan and subsequently as a Professor at Ariel. I was a member of the team that invented the PL/I programming language. In later years I became Director of Software Engineering Standards at Motorola worldwide and an authorized Lead Assessor of software development organizations inside and outside of Motorola. Meanwhile, our family grew to nearly forty grandchildren and over 50 great grandchildren, the latest born this past Shabbat.