Peter Scott

Peter Scott

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About Me
Lived and worked over the decades in Sydney, London and Budapest. Happily settled in Vienna, family on four Continents. My heart is in and with Israel - the nation and the original idea, not the current situation. A lifetime (1965-2003) of professional journalism behind me, both in the Jewish (Acting and Assistant Editor) and mainstream media, both printed/online and radio. Covered and reported on stories, wrote editorials, conducted interviews with Prime Ministers and other power brokers. Filed reports, cultural reviews, opinion pieces from every continent, except Africa. First Jewish publication staffer ever to interview the PLO's Ambassador to the United Nations in New York. Reported from Olympic Games in Munich, Montreal, Lake Placid, Torino and Sydney. Active over many years in Jewish communal, Maccabi and Hakoah sporting activities, Maccabiah Games, Jewish Board of Deputies and Zionist Federation of Australia work as well as Center Right/Liberal Conservative politics in Australia. Served on State level committees, as a pre-selector and Branch Treasurer. Campus newspaper editor and activist at the NSW University of Technology.
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