Rayna Rose Exelbierd

Rayna Rose Exelbierd

When One Grows We All Grow
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About Me
Growing up in Memphis, Tennessee Rayna never experienced any racism or anti-Semitism. As the granddaughter of Holocaust survivors, she never believed she would experience anti-Semitism in her lifetime. This was quickly contradicted when she began college. Rayna experienced many challenges including cyberbullying, a mock eviction noticed taped on her door, anti-Semitic comments, and even Holocaust denial. Rayna was shocked to learn that even where Jewish communities are strong, there is still more work that needs to be done. Since 2010 Rayna has spoken to over 100,000 people in various demographics. She ignites other's passions by sharing her own story, empowering others to enrich their communities through organizing and storytelling. She has organized hundreds of events since she was a teenager, and has been fundraising for different organizations since she was 12 years old. Rayna lives in South Florida and graduated with an International Business Degree from Florida Atlantic University in 2015. All of Rayna’s lectures and workshops are highly customizable and interactive. A complete list can be found at She can be reached at
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