Roseanne Malka Werb Zwanziger

Roseanne Malka Werb Zwanziger

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About Me
I am a retired attorney, most recently from Chicago who worked as an Administrative law Judge in Illinois, New York, and Ontario Canada. Since my retirement I have been a participant in " Writing Circles" in Chicago, where writers get together and share their work, obtain ideas, and improve their craft. I initiated a Writers Circle in Netanya approximately six -seven years ago. Once again, this has been an opportunity for English language writers to get together on a bi-weekly basis to write on various topics, present their compositions, and get feedback. Our group consists of writers from England, South Africa, and the US. My personal work is the compliation of stories related to the lives of survivors, their stories, and the stories , as the child of survivor AFTER World War II. I am also working on a fantasy story for young girls.
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