Ryan Ang

Ryan Ang

About Me
Ryan Ang is a recent graduate of UCLA who is passionate about Middle Eastern geopolitics, culture, and narrative. When he was a Bruin, Ryan interned for the Center of Middle Eastern Development and its Center for Israel Studies. In addition, he Chair-ed the Student Advisory Council for the latter research center and represented Bruins for Israel as its External Vice-President. Through these roles, he acted as an organizing liaison with other pro-Israel groups as well as the local Israeli-Consulate to educate Asian-Americans on pro-Israel causes and garner their support for Israel. Additionally, Ryan was also a Fellow and Ambassador for Passages' first Asian-American Leadership Initiative. Through this program, he led a pioneering contingent of Asian-American students to Israel and sought to create advocates for the country within his own community. Beyond these things, Ryan was also a 2019 Fellow for Christians United for Israel (CUFI) and Hasbara Fellowships. In both of these organizations, as with his previous endeavors, Ryan similarly sought to connect Asian-Americans with pro-Israel causes. Because of Ryan's outstanding contributions, he was recognized by UCLA Hillel with the Yitron Award, an award given to the most accomplished non-Jewish student within Jewish circles.
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