Belief and Opinion
It’s always a matter of time before any story has its opinions attached to them. When the October 7th massacre occurred, I was in the US at the time and it was still Shabbat/Simchat Torah. The feeling of dread washed over all of us at the same time, the singing and dancing quieted down and a face of shock and loss befell. It wasn’t until a few minutes later that we all noticed one man, who surely heard the news along with us, was seen holding a Torah scroll as he danced on the sidelines of Shul, not allowing the horrific events to ruin this special day. As he realized our glare he turned to us and said, “Tomorrow you will hear the opinions of the world, and some may even say that it never happened and that Israel were the aggressors. And if they will have their opinion, I will have mine, and mine is to keep my belief strong in Hashem!”
We all decided not to tell the news to our families, other than telling them to pray for our brothers and sisters in Israel. It wasn’t until a few hours later that we saw the atrocities and of course started hearing all the opinions from right and left. My initial reaction when hearing all those left wing agitators was disgust and anger, but after some time I realized that the same people who celebrated death don’t value life. And soon thereafter I realized that those who celebrate life, value God.
Every person is entitled to their opinion and each individual will try to relax their heart with what makes sense to them, but believers will only reach true conclusions. Most people seek out answers in order to make themselves feel better about the situation, but one with faith and trust doesn’t need answers, all they need is their faith. Those who seek truth will start a process of internalization, a process where they see themselves as part of the big story and try to find their connection to this story. Their soul awakens and wonders of the happenings of the world and what they can do to make it a better place.
Some will rush to protection, each with their own idea. One will get themselves a gun permit and the other will strengthen their belief in God and do deeds that will bring them closer to the One in control of all events. Those with true belief will find comfort in His plan, they take the opportunity to wake up and pray to Him, add some meaning in their lives and help others in need. They dedicate their time and effort to be there for those in distress, they devote their energy to the greater cause and stick to what’s true and right in the eyes of their creator.
But then we have another class of people who haven’t seen the truth and have yet to taste its sweetness. Some understand in their hearts that accountability must come swiftly to those murderers, they use their words to blame and slander and vilify those who burn children and take hostages. These people are inherently good people, but their belief in God is on a much lower level. They understand the difference between good and evil but in their own life have yet to find peace. Accepting facts is still not their strong suit, but they are on the right track.
And sadly, there are those who have been blinded by the devil. Their empty words and protests are exactly what you would expect their lives to be like. They never own up to their responsibilities and have a difficult time choosing between right and wrong. Their personal lives are so empty and alone, their views are cynical and their attitude is grotesque. The same people who advocate for abortion, child mutilation and castration, are those who defend rapists, murderers and terrorists. Their opinions are hollow and their intellect is diluted, they are selfish and are attracted to those who are lesser than them.
One who values life is attracted to people who seek growth. When they see successful business men they want to constantly surround them, when they see someone who has taken charge in their life and keeps getting back up to make tomorrow even better, they choose to connect and learn from them. They want to emulate their path and live their experiences. In short, real people are always searching for more.
On the other hand, those who despise life cannot surround themselves with successful people or else it would hinder their fairytale lifestyle they wish to live with. If they were to be motivated once by someone greater than them they would be forced to change their entire laxed way of life and that would require some true effort on their part. They choose to stick to their lowly opinions in order to live guilt free in the utopian, or rather dystopian, future.
We get to choose what we want in life. Nobody gets to tell us how to live, it is up to us to decide how hard we want to work to live with the truth. Living with the truth doesn’t only mean that we choose good over evil, it also means that we push off our gratification for a time that we deserve it. We choose to do things that will bring us the utmost joy in our later days, we work hard and fight through the toughness when we have the power of our youth within our bones and await the true happiness that will surely come at the end.
Unlike those who just want to marry whatever they desire and don’t stop to think of the long term consequences. They take all those instant feel-good treats and don’t realize that gays cannot reproduce and that once they are old they will have no one at their side and will have nothing in the world they can be proud of. They have zero accomplishments that will fill their heart at their last breath. They push movements that decline the birthrate of their nation and one that weakens the morale of their country. The society they create is one of selfish behavior, self indulgence and filth.
What is worse is that they have created forces to protect their lies. They implement strict rules and means to keep themselves in the dark. Their worst nightmare is when they wake up, they will do anything just to keep themselves asleep. They’ll create causes and implement nonsensical rules in order to occupy their little minds with their dreams and wishes. They will voice their opinions to the world and instill disgust and nausea in the hearts and minds of believers.
It is high time we stop listening to their noise and seek out the beautiful sound of genuine peace, harmony and happiness. Stop giving them a voice and actively start working towards a future where we see our kids grow up in communities with true and meaningful values, one where we can grow old and know that all the hard work we put in was worthwhile and has brought us closer to our One, True and loving God.
David Lemmer is an Orthodox Jewish Author and Hypnotherapist. Watch his videos on YouTube @LemmerNetwork and find his books on Amazon. He can be reached at