Netanyahu is getting clobbered on the Philadelphia Corridor issue. His mistake is, that he’s saying that Israel wants to eventually withdraw from Gaza. Instead he needs to say, that Israel is going to stay there.
Because once you say that you’re willing to withdraw, you’ve already opened the door. So when afterwards you want to be firm about the Philadelphi Corridor, the US can push back and say: “Look. You’re willing to withdraw anyway. So let’s just make this smoother so we can do the deal.” And especially when Netanyahu said that eventually Israel might leave the Philadelphi Corridor.
If Netanyahu would declare adamantly and firmly that Israel is going to stay in Gaza permanently and not withdraw at all, then there would be no pushback on the Philadelphi Corridor or any other type of withdrawal. No means no.
In other words, if you give a little bit, the other side wants more. But if you show that you’re not going to give in and you’re going to stand firm on the whole issue of withdrawal, then they see there’s nothing to talk about.
And the reason to insist on staying in Gaza is simple — to defend Israel. The thing that enabled October 7 was the withdrawal from Gaza. So the only way to ensure Israel’s security, is to stay there.
It’s not to late for Bibi to take a firm stance. He can say that he thought about it, and he realizes that the way to protect Israel is to not withdraw from Gaza.
We are seeing Divine Providence in many areas, including that America has moved ships and aircraft and a submarine into the area as a deterrence to Hezbollah and Iran. And when did this happen? When Israel declared that they were determined to destroy Hamas. America then decided, that they have no choice. If they want to deter escalation, they need to bring in their forces.
And when Iran did try an attack, the US organized a coalition, including Arab countries, to neutralize Iran’s attack.
And later, when Hezbollah plotted an attack, America shared intelligence with Israel, and we saw Israel’s astoundingly precise preemptive strike.
Bibi needs to now be firm, and to declare clearly that, for security, Israel is not giving away any land, not in the West Bank and not in Gaza. And when America and the rest of the world sees and hears Netanyahu’s firm stand, then they will realize that their only option is to cooperate with Israel.
The future looks bright. G-d is watching over the Jewish people. He has helped us till now, and He will help us in the future.