Roger M. Kaye
A retired physicist reinvented as thriller novels writer


The Blue Box (With thanks to PikiWiki Israel)

I have just read an article bemoaning the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on free, Birthright, trips to Israel for American youths. Birthright, we are told, is funded by both philanthropists and the State of Israel. Its mission is to give every Jewish young adult the chance to visit Israel at least once in their lifetime.

When I was young, a long time ago, I enjoyed my holidays travelling around Europe. There was no way I could afford to visit the United States. Today’s Israeli youngsters have many more opportunities for foreign travel, a brief escape from our tiny country and impending army service.

The US has much to offer, spectacular scenery, nature reserves, even a little history if you look hard enough. It is time for a national program, we could call it Birthwrong, that would send Israeli youth to America for a free holiday. Seeing the reality of life in America, and its many problems, would strengthen their love for their own country, Israel.

The days of Israel depending on the pennies collected in the Blue Box are over. Israel is a strong, thriving, independent country with a world-class economy. We do not want visits from pampered kids who need a paid holiday in Israel to remind them that they are Jewish and belong to a people with a history and heritage much longer than that of their adopted country. If they want to make Aliyah, to immigrate to Israel, they are welcome to join us. They could play an important role in the future of our country.

About the Author
The author has been living in Rehovot since making Aliya in 1970. A retired physicist, he divides his time between writing adventure novels, getting his sometimes unorthodox views on the world into print, and working in his garden. An enthusiastic skier and world traveller, the author has visited many countries. His first novels "Snow Job - a Len Palmer Mystery" and "Not My Job – a Second Len Palmer Mystery" are published for Amazon Kindle. The author is currently working on the third Len Palmer Mystery - "Do Your Job".
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