Marc Daniels

Breaking news! 2014 “Weed Out Hate” blueprint for peace released New Years Day

Courtesy of Marc Daniels, Author
Courtesy of Marc Daniels, Author


After I visited the Dachau Concentration Camp for the first time. I wanted to write the definitive antithesis to Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” for weeding out hatred throughout humanity. In the original German language book “Sät die Blumen des Friedens”, Allegria Verlag Berlin January 2013, I related the ritual of gardening with a spiritual intention, as a natural an organic method for cleansing the heart and gardening the spirit. The book took the vision of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to the next level, by illuminating his Christian rhetoric in the deepest spiritual roots of Kabbalah. Dr. King’s ethics of social inclusion spring to life for children because children can now visualize how hatred can be rooted out and spirits bloom right before their eyes. This miracle of spiritual gardening for transforming any detaching inner weed into an all connecting spiritual tree is rooted in the torah ”For the Tree of the Field is Man” Deuteronomy 20:19, as well as the Christian New Testament of Matthew 13, 36-38 and 24-30.

One of the concluding chapters portrayed a not so mythical globally televised “Weed Out Hate” event in which children throughout the world would be called upon to root out symbolic weeds of hatred for fulfilling Dr. King’s great vision. This global action would set the stage for a globally coordinated network of Kabbalah Peace Parks.

Halfway through the manuscript, I decided to make this spiritual gardening odyssey a reality by starting the Grassroots Weed Out Hate Initiative. Over the course of the last three years, over 50,000 packs of Sunflower Peace Seeds have been donated and planted, including some by former U.S. Ambassador Philip Murphy himself, just a few kilometers from where that Berlin Wall once stood. On the back of each pack was a kids call to action, asking them to email the White House to lobby for a globally televised “Weed Out Hate” event.

Is this possible? Absolutely! Since launching the Campaign, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn and Iowa Governor Terry Brandstad have each issued statewide “Weed Out Hate Day” Proclamations in the Summer of 2011. Chicago City Mayor Rahm Emanuel did the same. I have received letters of support from former President Jimmy Carter as well as U.S. Senate Chaplain Barry Black.

What is holding us back is our simmering inner rage that flares up given the right geo-political conditions, detaching us from the spiritual possibilities of the future.

The Weed Out Hate Initiative empowers every citizen of the world to make a difference with the simple action of sending an email to President Obama at for transforming this mythical global ”Weed Out Hate” vision into a spiritual gardening odyssey reality, where even peace in the Middle East becomes possible.

What is the power of a dream? Try to imagine the best scientists, landscape architects, and government officials, diplomats from all over the world, coming together, kneeling down on the ground, rolling up their sleeves and weeding out hate on the Israeli/Gaza border. Try to imagine Kabbalah Parks springing up where the current Gaza-Israeli border now stands.Try to imagine children from Gaza and Israel tugging together and rooting out persistent weeds of hatred. Try to imagine the best minds in the world reviewing the Blueprint for Peace you are about ready to read. Try to imagine the kind of global spiritual catharsis, humanity has not witnesses since Noah. This is the one place one earth where miracles have happened before and will happen again in world to come.

Kabbalah Park: Blueprint for Global Peace

From afar, the entrance to the park is not visible. You step closer, stumble across the high and insurmountable wall which blocks what lies beyond. Only one clue, which arouses your curiosity; such a bulwark is certainly protecting something very valuable from harm.

As you continue to approach the park you catch sight of botanical vines covering an opening and realize that your physical senses had tricked you all that time. What appeared to be a stone obstacle is in reality a vegetative membrane through which you can enter. You are now strolling in the park, listening to the sounds of nightingales that echo within your soul.

After a few steps you realize that you are moving through a labyrinth; all around you are fruit trees and shrubs from exotic locations, exuding a wonderful fragrance with the remembrance of the taste of their fruit. Against the song birds, you now begin to hear wondrous, enchanting Melodies from the Heavens. With each rhythmic beat you internalize a sense of rise and fall. This spiritual music must have been ringing the hearts and souls of the Patriarchs, inspiring them to encode hidden instruction for attainment within the very letters in the Biblical verses, only to be revealed thousands of years later, at this very point in time at this place on earth.

Intuitively, you begin to understand that this is not just a labyrinth, but a reflection of your inner life. Now the birds no longer sound like nightingales, they now sound like mockingbirds and their sing song conjures up horrible thoughts and instincts in your mind. You are ashamed and gradually realize what kind of selfishness has been brought about. The insight drives you forward.

Unlike the mockingbird’s song, the spiritual melodies bring you the most supreme ecstasy that you have never experienced. It is the lure of nature which leads you to the center of the maze. The melodies swell up and become beguiling. Finally you reach the magical center. Now your thoughts are totally occupied with the force of music. You see a huge, shiny silver obelisk on volcanic rock. This is a sign of recognition that you have cleaned your inner being; you have also overcome your ego and have made the breakthrough into the spiritual reality.

The obelisk has the property to attract the loving and equalizing force of nature that comes from the supernatural and connects to the earth. No previous experience could have prepared you for what is about to occur. In the sky, dark clouds pile up and within seconds a bolt of lightning strikes the top of the obelisk. You have walked through nature just to reach this point and now it is willing to reward you with rain. The energy that you now feel has an effect that sets you free.

Far above, a rainbow is stretched, another one begins to appear in your heart: from red to yellow, yellow to green, blue and violet and white. In every drop you suspect a deep wisdom, grounded in the plan of nature. You then realize that the stroll through the maze was actually a spiritual rain dance, which triggered the strike of lightning.

In unison with the Melodies, fresh breath streams in your soul. You breathe bad air out and breathe deeply in. The pace of your breathing continues until it fully corresponds with the respiration of the birds and the small animals in the garden.

Your heart, that had been cold and insensitive, begins to change; it is now pumping not only life in your body, it begins to radiate spiritual energy to the surroundings. The plants understand and respond to this pulsing yearning the only way they are capable of: as if enchanted by a magic wand, they begin to grow and flourish in hyperbolic speed. The flowers bloom in marvelous colors that you have never seen before. The trees around you come together and unite as an inner tree that connects you once again with your spiritual roots, the source for all lives. The nightingales have hatched their chicks and they will disperse throughout the land.

Outside millions of gardens and gardeners are awaiting to experience a spiritual awakening. The energy released from the lightning bolt also begins to affect your fellow park visitors and create new spiritual connections among them. They define themselves no longer by competitive self-interests, but rather through a common intention – caring for each other the same way they now care for nature. This only happens when a spiritual connection exists among like minded souls. The individuals now know, as a group, what they need to do, what contribution nature is asking from each of them in order to continue to reveal their richness and their wealth.

With this promise of the world to come you exit the Kabbalah Park in the certainty that the salvation is primarily dependent from three factors: fine-tuned perception, inner change and spiritual uplifting. Before you started this spiritual odyssey, you probably didn’t recognize the evil nature within your egoism; you sensed it only as a healthy drive for success. You probably did not realize how many people you had trampled on your way up the corporate ladder.

Being confronted with this kind of impenetrable barrier, unenlightened souls feel their only options are to settle for what you they have, to live with the pain and frustration, or attempt to climb over it or even bulldoze their way through it and at anyone’s expense.

This is why the entrance to the Kabbalah Park can never be open for all. If the masses were to get through the entrance they would run up against their own inner labyrinth wall and it would not allow them to climb over or tear it down. Countless numbers are totally incapable of hearing the call of the nightingales; they are only trying to escape life. In order to perceive, recognize or to create, one needs to feel it in the heart. The wall is a symbol of petrified egoism that can transform into an elastic membrane that grants entrance to the spiritual dimension.

Inspired from such wisdom, you now comprehend that the force behind the mockingbirds is the same force behind the Melodies. It just took on different forms in order to prod you to correction. With every step and every correction nature rewarded you with ever increasing degrees of delight.

From now on tending to the garden will fill a much higher purpose. Nature’s creations are ready to communicate with you. You respond by giving fresh water to a flower, caring for a rose, root feeding the deepest roots of a tree and weeding out the garden. With your green thumb, everything is now thriving more splendid than ever with the most exquisite fruits. The seed of caring and dedication has now come up in your heart.

The new garden is extremely charged with spiritual force. Whereas in the past you only regarded it as a place for temporary relaxation, now your motivations for gardening are much more deeply rooted with a higher calling; full of amazement you see how natural and supernatural forces harmonize in nature.

All around you there exists an aura that others can feel and this aura influences them the same way it inspires the plants in the garden. Your example inspires others who never felt any desire to take a shovel in their hands and till the soil. They will now become spiritual gardeners, just like yourself

The spiritual grass roots movement continually spreads. Numerous nightingales have now hatched and they carry the freshly inspired message throughout the planet for inspiring those who are responsible for setting environmental policy: politicians, scientists and landscape architects. They are called upon to build additional Kabbalah-Parks and tear down all of those remaining divisive walls that have befallen humankind with misfortune and have prevented them from attaining their own self-determination.

Welcome back to the Garden of Eden! May the wonder of spiritual gardening continue to awaken, enchant and re-connect the souls of humankind.

About the Author
As the eldest grandson of Ross Daniels, the inventor of a horticultural irrigation tool for deep watering and feeding at the deepest roots, Marc spent the first half of his career learning about global gardening and gardener's trends. Ten years ago, he began thinking about how to take his grandfather's vision to the next level, for inspiring humanity to weed out hate and sow the seeds of peace through spiritual gardening.