Bring back our boys–it really is that simple.
Of course, my feed has been flooded for the past 24 hours with a dozen other distractions, e.g.:
- But not through negotiations, because we don’t negotiate with terrorists.
- But make sure to teach the kidnappers and their supporters a “lesson” too.
- But first let’s shut off all electricity and water to the Palestinians–and shut down their hospitals too!
- But don’t forget to share the alleged picture of sweets distributed in Gaza–because they’re not looking forward to a trade of prisoners, but just to torture!
- But first protest Obama’s silence, because when Kerry speaks, that doesn’t represent America. Oh, but Canada’s run by a conservative, so his representative’s statement does count. http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_article.php…
- But first make sure you have his mother’s middle name, because how can Hashem understand you otherwise?
- But let’s make a cool graphic representing these bahurim as eight-year-olds, because that’s more poignant.
- But first let’s condemn the international media for not covering the story, or not covering it enough, or using the term “settler.”
- But let’s berate the leftists for not caring about Israelis on the West Bank–wait, what’s this? http://www.btselem.org/press_releases/20140615_the_three_yeshiva_students_must_be_released_at_once
I would say we should get our priorities straight, but there’s only one issue at stake. I trust the professionals to do their job, and I pray to God to help them. That’s really all there is to say.