Yossi Lipsker

Celebrating Jewish – נס

Eight ideas heavy enough to last eight nights…but Light enough to make you smile.

1) Chanukah is my Happy – נס/ness Holiday

2) A time to celebrate the Miraculous – נס/ness of the oil that burned for eight days

3) During these days we rejoice in the triumph of light over dark – נס/ness

4) During these eight days of light meditation we gradually start to experience a soothing peaceful – נס/ness

5) The lights twinkle, as they flicker and dance to the melody of an ancient holy – נס/ness

6) The Maccabees overcame the greeks with fearless – נס/ness

7) This day pulsates with “seventh day” shabbat energy fused with Chanukah light: this rush of G-dly – נס/ness is the best holiday gift ever

8) Thank you Chanukah for reminding us, that who we are at our core can never be taken from us, by virtue of our innate soul – full -נס/ ness

About the Author
Rabbi Yossi Lipsker is the co-founder and executive Director of Chabad of the North Shore and spiritual leader of the Chabad Community Shul. He can be reached at