The complete idiot’s guide to Mideast peace – part 141
Ministers split on military response to teens’ killings | The Times of Israel ‘While Naftali Bennett urges major operation against Hamas, Moshe Ya’alon warns it would trigger all-out war’
It seems inevitable that matters must now escalate much in the same way they have always done and more death and destruction can be expected in the days up ahead.
And what will be the result of all this? Will the overall situation be improved to any great extent? Or must both sides prepare themselves for yet another descent into some new circle of Hell, one of the many that stand ever ready to receive them?
How much further do these levels extend and why must their direction remain constantly downwards, the merest thought of movement away from the pit deemed unnatural, not worth contemplating for an instant?
With the prospect of so much further conflict now almost certain, would changing over to an entirely new tariff be something to consider even at this late stage, one where payment need no longer be made in flesh and blood but in a commodity reckoned almost but never quite as precious? – ‘ for those of us with better things to do.’