Cult Israel
Israel is a society with a strong belief in Zionism and the concept of a Jewish state, where the ideology often takes precedence over the well-being of its people. The population accepts significant sacrifices, including death, injuries, destruction, and financial burdens. In a healthier society, such conditions would likely be rejected. In Israel, Zionist ideology is considered sacred and is not open to challenge. The Israeli public often acts to enforce this ideology, identifying and reprimanding those who question it.
There are verifiable facts indicating that Israeli society engages in behavior that is harmful to itself, without the ability to self-reflect. Critical thinking in Israel is mostly limited to tactical military issues, and the failures of Israel as a Zionist Jewish state are not open for discussion.
Since its creation in 1948, Israel has been in a continuous state of war. Israeli soldiers die regularly, and many suffer severe injuries. Cities are bombarded, resulting in civilian deaths and injuries. Sirens frequently blare, terrifying children and causing psychological trauma. Heartbreaking funerals of soldiers are shown on TV, and towns and cities have been evacuated, with residents living in hotels. Israelis serve long periods in the military and reserves, leaving their jobs and businesses. Women now serve in combat roles, and terror attacks occur almost daily. The stress of these wars is palpable, yet there is little discussion about the failure of Zionism as an ideology. Instead, the Israeli public and media emphasize the necessity of a Jewish state, viewing the suffering as proof of the ideology’s importance rather than its failure. The entire spectrum of Israeli society refuses to consider other ideologies that might offer more protection to the Jewish people. For Israelis, a Zionist Jewish state is the only goal, regardless of its practicality.
Instead of changing their ideology to protect its people, Israel resorts to physical measures. For example, it passed a law requiring every apartment or place of business to have a fortified room, costing billions of dollars. It arms its citizens to fight Palestinians, licenses private citizens to openly carry guns, overlooks private Jewish militias enforcing their own laws, extends military service, expands women’s roles in combat, relocates displaced populations to hotels, and implements security checkpoints with x-ray machines in public places.
Israelis have accepted the occupation and apartheid. Even liberal Jews support the exclusion of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza from the political process. Military culture is widespread, with military jargon and acronyms used in daily language. Despite environmental issues caused by the separation wall, Israelis do not voice objections. The Israeli media fails to objectively examine government actions and instead supports wars, avoiding discussions about Zionist or Jewish state ideology.
Economists and public figures analyzing high prices of real estate and goods do not consider the impact of constant wars and related corruption. Israelis pay high taxes to support ongoing wars and take pride in their military, which has not brought them peace. They do not demand peace with Palestinians, Lebanon, Syria, or Iran but focus on defeating them. Israeli leadership, including the prime minister, does not explain a vision for peace, and the public does not demand it. Israelis are proud to serve in the military, even though future generations will likely do the same, aiming to defeat enemies without achieving peace. The Zionist ideology and Jewish state were created to protect Jews from antisemitism, but Israelis do not seem to care that the same ideology creates enemies rather than protecting them. In typical fashion for a cult, Israel is unwilling and unable to accept criticism, often labeling critics as antisemites instead of considering meaningful criticism that could improve citizens’ lives.
Some of these issues exist in healthy societies. What makes Israel an unhealthy society is the acceptance of a combination of unhealthy conditions without questioning the underlying Zionist ideology.