Dialogue with the creative spirit within
I am failing miserably in my ongoing struggle to find free time. In a desperate move, I decided to engage the part of me that so wants this to see if she has some idea of what to do.
Me: Well, here we are.
CSW: Yeah.
Me: You don’t sound happy.
CSW: I’m happy for the crumbs. Better than nothing.
Me: I know. It’s a struggle for me. It sounds so simple: Have big blocks of free, unstructured time so the muse can visit more often. I thought I had that today.
CSW: But then “things to do” came up and you didn’t stop to think. You just went with them. Bottom line: It’s clear I’m not a priority.
Me: Yes you are! What am I always saying? “What brings me the most joy? Being creative.”
CSW: We agree on that.
Me: So how do we move from theory to practice?
CSW: Let’s try this: I’ll throw out an idea and you throw out one.
Me: OK. Morning pages. Surely I can find 10 minutes every morning.
CSW: I like that. But we know…
Me: Yes, I’ve wanted to do it forever. And do I do it?
CSW: We know the answer to that.
Me: OK. But we’re throwing out ideas.
CSW: Weekly artist’s date.
Me: Yes, I’ve wanted to do that ever since I read about it in The Artist’s Way.
CSW: Pencil – no pen -it in. Right now. Go get your calendar.
Me: OK. Thursday 4-6 in the Moon Grove. And I will consider this a real date. Just like I wouldn’t cancel on a friend, I won’t…
CSW: Just do your best.
Me: I feel better already.
CSW: So do I.
Me: So let’s be smart and start small. An artist’s date once a week…?
CSW: You wonder if you can.
Me: Yeah. But there is no reason I can’t. I have four free days a week now!
CSW: Yeah. But you’ll be seduced by your “to do” list and your pile…
Me: I’ve been thinking about that. I could put aside two hours a week just for that. Or I could try to cross off two things a day.
CSW: I like the once a week thing. It gets us out of your “to do” mode. Which is death to me. If it’s every day, it’ll still be there all the time.
Me: Right.
CSW: OK. The calendar.
Me: You’re a very practical creative spirit.
CSW: It’s a myth that creators aren’t practical. How else could we create?
Me: OK. We have an artist’s date 4-6 p.m. on Thursdays. And I’ll sit with my “to do” list 10-12 on Mondays. Yay.
CSW: Yay.
Me: Let’s stay in close touch so you can help me stick to this.
CSW: In close touch is where I want to be.
Me: In close touch is where I want to be.