Eternal Nature of the Jewish People
The last year that the Jewish people spent in Egypt, was spent witnessing outward miracles. It culminated with the splitting of the Red Sea and the Revelation at Sinai.
Rav Kook felt that the scene at the “burning bush,” was quite significant. It is described as גילוי שכינה, when the Divine Presence was revealed to Moshe Rabbeinu. He was privileged to experience Hashem, like no other human being who ever lived.
The Midrash said that the dialogue between Hashem and Moshe lasted for a week. Moshe was able to learn a great deal about Hashem. He was able to ask many questions about Hashem’s nature.
One of the questions he asked, had to do with the eternal nature of the Jewish people. Only the Jewish people were promised that they would exist until eternity. No other nation has endured from the beginning of time until today, except for the Jewish people. Their secret to success was their strict adherence to the Torah.
Their added responsibilities brought them blessing.
It was necessary for there to be outward miracles in Egypt so that there would be no doubt about the special relationship between Hashem and the Jewish people. No other nation could make such a claim. They realized that we are the “chosen people.”