Euthanasia is a human right
I believe that euthanasia is a human right not just for people suffering from debilitating physical illnesses. Everyone of sound mind should have the right to end their life in a controlled setting when they wish. I am pleased that euthanasia methods are becoming more widely available. I don’t understand all the religious uproar and all the anger of people against euthanasia. So many of us can’t even talk about final topics. Death is a part of life whether we want it or not. Pretending it doesn’t exist isn’t going to make it go away.
People who rarely help others, worse yet, they often put others down, yet they become crusaders of virtue when it comes to opining on someone else’s euthanasia. A common theme, wouldn’t you say? This is just a virtue signaling nonsense on their part. They want to appear as though they suddenly care. It’s a lie. They don’t care. They just want more praise.
Why do so many people find it so hard to accept that we are sovereign human beings who can decide when to leave this world and venture into the great unknown? The greatest adventure of them all? Whatever the reason, either we’re in control of our lives or we aren’t. Yes, it can be a debilitating physical illness. But it can also be that someone doesn’t want to take part in the unfolding circus clown show full of dumbasses and deviants.
All this talk that individuals matter doesn’t reflect reality. How many people die every day and no one cares? How many people walk around zombified because of drugs? Granted, it’s their terrible choice, but still, seeing zombie-like corpses walking around shows just how messed up our civilization has become. Yes, there is beauty, but there’s also absolutely terrible, rotten to the core, ugliness. Both spiritual and physical.
Not everyone wants to take part in the clown show and that’s alright. If you are one of those people, don’t blame yourself and don’t buy into any guilt-tripping of religious fanatics and other self-appointed guardians of virtue. It’s your life and, as long as you’re a rational human being, you can do with your life whatever you like, though it would be good to write a will so your family doesn’t need to deal with all the inheritance mess.
I disagree that anyone who might want to undergo euthanasia can’t be of sound mind. Such a casual dismissal of people is just wrong. The ones who point fingers and accuse others of being selfish are usually the selfish ones.
There’s this saying that people only start caring when you’re six feet under. There’s a lot of truth to that. The sooner you realize a lot of people don’t care about you and only start caring when you’re gone from this world, the easier it’s going to be for you to see through all the absurdity around you.
And that’s when you’re going to thrive, my friend. That’s the paradox.