Fires and wars
Fires in LA have devastated communities. It seemed to come out of nowhere and travelled very quickly.
October 7 seemed to come out of nowhere. The results were devastating.
The war between Russia and Ukraine seems to have come out of nowhere. Suddenly there was a war with enormous casualties.
So many events seem to just come out of nowhere, with tremendous devastation. But then again, good things also seem to suddenly spring up, seemingly out of nowhere.
Syria’s regime fell in a little over a week, after some rebels with a few rusty tanks decided to attack.
Iran spent years building up proxies to threaten Israel. Suddenly, their ‘ring of fire’ has disintegrated to practically nothing.
Israeli soldiers after October 7, suddenly united, and many thirsted for religious objects, like tefillin and talis kotons, in order to bond with their G-d. Seemingly out of nowhere, a religious resurgence happened.
In North America and other places, many left-wing liberal Jews (after experiencing antisemitism from people that they had always considered to be allies) decided to bond with their Jewish roots.
Sometimes events seem to happen out of nowhere; and yet, if we study it carefully, we can find causes and learn for the future.
The world that we live in, the universe in which our world exists, also seems to have come out of nowhere.
Before the world was created there was nothing but the Creator. And then suddenly out of nothing, a world and a universe was created, heaven and earth, with angels and souls. A luscious world filled with water, vegetation, and everything that man needed to be sustained — all seem to have come out of nothing.
But when we look at it carefully, we sense that things don’t just come out of nowhere; that there is a Creator Who caused it all to happen.
“How great are your wonders O G-d.” (Psalms 104; 24) How vast is the universe. And yet, the Sages tell us that everything was created from just one word of G-d.
Can you then imagine how great G-d is?
And He created the world out of nothing; and events happen seemingly out of nowhere — all conducted by Divine Providence, for the purpose of enabling man to come in contact with his Creator.
When we open our eyes to the beauty of our world, and to the potential for peace and prosperity; when we open our eyes to the G-dliness within everything, constantly recreating the world out of nothing; when we open our eyes, we see the presence of G-d.
And then, when the whole world serves Him with one shoulder, there will be peace everywhere, including in Ukraine and Russia, and people will work together to ensure that fires don’t devastate communities anymore. (Indeed a startup company in Israel is working on an iron Dome solution, which would quickly send fire retardant barriers, and which would put out embers.)
When the world works together in line with the seven Noahide laws that G-d told Moses at Mount Sinai to tell all nations, then there is a cohesive and well-guided effort to eliminate terrorism and evil, and to be partners with G-d in the creation of the world, to ensure the world‘s safety and well-being.
When we open our eyes to the possibilities of goodness that we can achieve.
May we see it very soon with the coming Redemption with Moshiach.