From Oct 7 to Dec 7
From Simchat Torah to Hanukkah this year has felt like an eternity. It’s been murderous and menacing. A dark time of mortal and moral peril.
How then shall we look at Hanukkah, our Festival of Lights, this year in particular?
Seeing is the dominant sensory dimension of Hanukkah. We’re taught to look at the lights. Seeing invites clarity. It invites focus.
One of our people’s clearest thinkers and speakers, Aviva Klompas, will join us tonight at 5:15 pm in front of KI on Harvard Street. Watch the clarity and focus she brought to our region on the Boston Common last month.
Now as never before, we all need to radiate light and our people’s miraculous capacity to dispel darkness. May we imbed the lights with truth and with trust.
Join me tomorrow morning also at 8:00 EDT for a special Hanukkah refill version of our Erev Shabbat Refill.
A bright and safe Hanukkah to you. Am Yisrael Chai.