Michel M.J. Shore

From Slavery to Freedom is the Voyage-Torah Portion Beshalach

Any journey begins with the first step;

Ours began with mighty winds across the Red Sea.

The challenge is to continue, free.

Hesitation, lack of confidence in G-d,


Doubts in belief paralyze a nation;

Only hope moves us from station to station.

Heavy burdens can bring desperation,

Unless we perceive our destination.


From slavery to freedom is the voyage;

To cast off the chains of inner bondage.

To envision and embody freedom

Is the task for the promise of Eden.


To arrive and to make a place for G-d

Is to be thankful for the guidance brought.

About the Author
Michel M.J. Shore is a retired judge of the Federal Court of Canada and recently made a home in Israel. He is the writer of several published books and poetry collections.