Marc Daniels

Mr. #Putin, Stop the Madness! We are Puckering-Up for #Peace to Make #Love Not #War

Courtesy of Serena
Courtesy of Serena

Just as certain as weeds lie dormant in the winter ground waiting for the first spring moment to germinate, certain global leaders are waiting for the first opportunity to exploit other nations geo-politically.   Couples all around the world are discovering the power of their “lips” in reacting to this aggression; the power of puckering-up for peace.  They are protesting by puckering-up for peace more passionately than they have had in their lives, as if the entire redemption of humanity depended upon it: to procreate something from nothing—PEACE. What started as one single passionate Romeo & Juliet kiss has now gone viral and continues into the wee hours of the nights.  It has become nothing less than the Valentines Miracle of 2014. From Gaza, to Tel Aviv, to Jerusalem, to New York, to Berlin, Kiev, Sochi to Dubai.  Couples throughout the world are puckering up and saying enough is enough. “Pucker-up for Peace” is becoming a grassroots response to all the negativities going on throughout the world. Pucker-Up for Peace awakens couples throughout the world to “drill” for spiritual Light and share it, the way others drill and hoard oil.  With spring just weeks ago, the campaign promises to take the spirit of Valentines Day and the concept of gardening being for lovers  to a brand new level. Instead of gifting each other with the work product of gardening, it allows couples to weed out hate and sow seeds of peace in their hearts as well as their gardens throughout the growing season.  Root out a weed, pucker up for peace; plant a rose bush, pucker up for peace; pick out a stone, pucker up for peace. Our souls all came from the Garden of Eden and it only makes sense that we use gardening as a means to weed out hate and sow the seeds of love to one day reconnect back to that Garden.

About the Author
As the eldest grandson of Ross Daniels, the inventor of a horticultural irrigation tool for deep watering and feeding at the deepest roots, Marc spent the first half of his career learning about global gardening and gardener's trends. Ten years ago, he began thinking about how to take his grandfather's vision to the next level, for inspiring humanity to weed out hate and sow the seeds of peace through spiritual gardening.
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