Getting Your Fitness Back On Track
So we are already coming up on the next season. You told yourself after the holidays it would be different. This time around you were going to watch what you ate and you were going to do some form of physical fitness everyday. Somewhere along the way you got distracted, uninspired, and lazy. So here we are. You know you want to eat healthy and exercise. You know you want to look good and feel good. So how come you just can’t seem to get it going. What is holding you back?
Step one- Choose to believe
You need to believe that you can do it. You have to move past your fear of failure and doubt and propel yourself forward by taking the first steps towards a healthier you. This means having the understanding that you are capable of effecting real change in your life. If you do the opposite by approaching your fitness goals halfheartedly or without real commitment to succeed then you have already failed. By choosing the positive course in your approach you have a much better chance of actually getting there.
Step two- Just Do It
When I was growing up I watched Nike become an amazingly powerful company with a 3 word winning slogan that landed and resonated. Most of us are familiar with the phrase “Just Do It”. These three words empowered millions and encouraged them to identify with Nike and the notion of taking action. It is very easy to contemplate and plan and wonder about taking that class or joining that gym or seeing that nutritionist. Without taking action and actually doing something, your good thoughts lead you nowhere and perpetuate the ongoing struggle of wanting to make healthy changes but not following through. Many people live in what I call the “fitness procrastination zone”. This does not have to be you. All that is different between now and success is doing it. So now that you believe that you can do it the next step is going out and “just doing it”.
Step three- Achieving consistency by doing away with all the excuses and rationalizations
Ok you decided what you wanted to do in order to effect some change and you went out and you did it. Lets say for example you signed up for a Power Yoga class. You did it, you went out and tried a class. Despite feeling good about the class and enjoying it you wonder if you will be able to continue with it.You have tried many things in the past, and even if you were able to keep up with it for a certain amount of time, for various reasons in the end you stopped doing it.
Everyone I know more or less has a really busy, demanding life. So when push comes to shove things come up and your fitness plan gets thrown to the side. The top excuses range from ” I am too tired”. “I have no time”, and my personal favorite “I can’t afford it”.
So my answers to those excuses in order are as follows. You are “too tired” because you are out of shape and you most likely aren’t eating well and or sleeping properly. Pushing yourself to exercise even when you are tired will force you to eat more; hopefully the right things. It will also help you to sleep easier because your body won’t give you a choice.
As for the excuse of not “having enough time”, somehow you have plenty of time for everything else you deem to be important. Your body is the key to doing all those other things properly and to satisfaction. Prioritize your body and you will find the time. If you are honest you know that in an average waking day of sixteen hours you can find fifteen minutes twice a day for some form of physical fitness. One can always wake up fifteen minutes earlier and end their day fifteen minutes earlier as well. Time is what you make of it. Just think about how much time you are able to find to be online.
Now for my favorite excuse ” I can’t afford it”. My answer to this one is simply ‘ How can you not afford it”! There are so many different ways to put fitness into your life. They range from being totally free like walking outside. To a minimal amount of money like buying some simple home equipment. You can always join a class and supplement that class with your own routine. You don’t have to spend a bunch of money in order to achieve your fitness goals.
Plus lets be honest you are spending money on all kinds of other things already. I am pretty sure they can’t all be more important than your health. So if it is necessary to spend some money in order to improve your fitness then try to see it as an investment worth sacrificing other things for.
By being honest with yourself and your time you can now begin to prioritize your body and your health. It starts by doing it once in order to do it twice. So what are you waiting for? Now is the time to be get back on track!
For help getting started or if you want to take your routine to the next level check out –> or call Michael 054-625-0269 there is a program for everybody.
Pre Army conditioning
Weight loss and fitness training
Specialized Fitness for Older Adults
Fitness Therapy