Farid Ghadry

Gloating Permitted

For those of us who have watched President Obama destroy the fabric of American exceptionalism by shifting massive economic powers to idle the lazy and to burden the nation with the unfit, it is OK to gloat as we all watch him eat humble pie.

For those of us who have watched President Obama refuse to lend any humanitarian aid to dying Syrian women and children, yet help sworn US enemies to stay in power, If you don’t gloat, you will be hearing from me.

For those of us who have watched President Obama legitimize the Islamists in Egypt, stand by as Jihadists streamed into Syria, and alienate US allies like Saudi Arabia and Israel, you would be unpatriotic not to gloat over his downward spiraling popularity.

For those of us who have watched President Obama force laws upon all Americans, subrogate his powers to foolish or corrupt advisers, rely on his cronies to demean his opponents by calling them terrorists and racists, you would be a fool not to gloat over his latest misfortunes.

For those of us who have watched President Obama belittle US Veterans by closing their open space Memorials, purge the military from men of great honor and service to their country, and attempt to weaken the US military might, you would be excused to gloat over his toxic legacy.

For those of us who have watched President Obama’s policies encourage dependency, through food stamps, free cellular phones or free health care, and grow the US Government and the national debt beyond our capacity to absorb either, make sure to gloat in public places.

For those of us who have watched President Obama force religious institutions to engage into practices against their beliefs, ignore the flow of illegals from Mexico, and attempt to force civil NY courts to propagandize international terrorists, it is your duty to gloat.

For those of us who have watched President Obama ignore our pleas to know what happened in Benghazi, claim not to know about the IRS illegal activities, and sound no alarm over his Attorney General’s invasion of privacy of reporters doing their job, gloating over his slow demise must be exceptionally pleasurable for you.

For those of us who have watched President Obama claim he just learned about all his scandals at the same time we did, talk about transparency as a sacred trust yet ignore it completely, closes White House tours to the public yet spends over $100m on   trip to Africa, I urge you to gloat for a while, a long while.

For those of us who have watched President Obama distribute wealth as Europe falters under the weight of its socialism, tax Americans beyond their means, pay little attention to job creation, and patronize us as if he knows what is good for us, the doctor orders you to gloat over his descent to our level to relieve your stress.

For those of us who have watched President Obama play the race card at will, accuse President Bill Clinton of being a racist when Clinton has dedicated his life to helping the African Continent, and demonize news organizations that were unimpressed with his godliness, you are permitted to gloat over Mr. Obama’s failures until January 2017.

For the rest of you who still believe in his weakness, his divisiveness, and his consistent inattention to the affairs of the nation as if the job was supposed to be an 8-year all-paid vacation, I say you deserve what you asked for. Next time, vote with your big brain, not with your little heart.