Chef Ceaser

Green Beans, Almonds and assorted Fruit

Green Beans, Almonds and assorted Fruit

Here is a side dish that is terrific for every occasion. I love it!

Green Beans, Almonds and assorted Fruit


1 tbs. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2 lbs. Green Beans
¼ cup split Almonds
¼ cup Raisins
¼ cup dried Cranberries
¼ cup dried Cherries,
¼ cup dried Apricots
¼ cup Coconut Flakes
3 tbs. Honey
Salt and freshly Ground Black Pepper to taste


In a pot of salted boiling water add the green beans and cook until tender. Drain and rinse in cold water.

In a large skillet add the green beans and a little olive oil. Toss the green beans and add the almonds and dried fruit. Before serving, toss with honey and the coconut flakes.

Serve this with grilled chicken breasts or try this with my honey mustard chicken breasts. See the recipes in this blog.

A special note. Whenever possible please purchase Kosher items that come from Israel especially those products that originate in Judea and the Shomron.

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About the Author
Chef Ceaser has been a kosher chef for 37 years.