Nurit Greenger

Hadassah and Torah Guard Israel’s Wellbeing

When Israel entered the Yom Kippur War a flood of volunteers arrive to Israel to help the war embattled nation. When the war ended most of the volunteers packed their bags and left back to their countries. At that time Prime Minister Golda Meir, in a speech in the Knesset, questioned the phenomenon: “They come to fight our war and risk their lives for us but they will not stay to live among us?!”

This is, for you, Hadassah hospital, opened in 1932 on Mount Scopus. Women and men from around the world, members of the Hadassah Woman Zionist Organization make sure the hospital delivers its duty to take care of Israel’s medical needs.

For nearly 100 years, Hadassah Medical Center has been a leader in medicine and nursing in Israel, laying the foundation and setting the standards for the country’s modern health care system. Hadassah has developed Israel’s community health services, established the first modern hospital and medical and nursing schools, and set the climate for medical research in Israel.

The majority of medical breakthroughs in Israel have taken place at Hadassah. The first successful heart transplant was performed at Hadassah – as was the first robotic surgery and the world’s First Computer-Assisted Hip Replacement Surgery.

Today, Hadassah is known for instituting and implementing “The Medicine of Tomorrow” – incorporating advanced solutions with personalized treatment.
Despite world turmoil, depression and the Holocaust, Hadassah kept facilitating services to the citizens of Eretz Yisreal.

After 1948 War of Independence, though Israel has held presence in Hadassah Mount Scopus it was no longer operating as a hospital. So, in 1961, the extensive campus of the Hadassah University Hospital was opened in Ein Kerem, a new part of the city. The 800-bed tertiary care hospital treats virtually every conceivable aspect of modern medicine and serves as a national referral center for complex and challenging medical cases. With over 130 departments and clinics, Hadassah Ein Kerem provides Israel’s most advanced diagnostic and therapeutic services for the local and national population and a significant number of international patients.

Apart for medical Hadassah supports other organization related to women, such a Jewish National Fund (JNF) and others.

At the magnificent Beverly Hills home of Shiva and Joseph Daneshgar, the Haifa Malka Hadassah Chapter of Southern California, held its “Celebrating Life, Become a Guardian Angel and Sponsor a Child at Hadassah Hospital“ Annual Fund Raising Dinner Gala, co-chaired by Sima Pakravan, Sima Toubia and Mariam Emrani. The large attendance and raising $120,000 in one evening, spoke volume of the support this medical institute is honored with by its members from around the world. This proves, once again, that the Hadassah Southern Californian chapter remains in its solid top position, among all other chapters, as top fundraiser in the USA and the world.

Shiva and Joseph Daneshgar-Photo by Orly Halevy
Shiva and Joseph Daneshgar-Photo by Orly Halevy

Guest speaker was Dr. Wendy Walsh who entertained the guests with a serious discussion about intimacy, relations and sexual economy.

Dr. Wendy Walsh-Photo by Orly Halevy
Dr. Wendy Walsh-Photo by Orly Halevy

Just as the Torah, which the nation of Israel received and shared with the world, kept the Jewish nation alive throughout a millennia, it is Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem that keeps, and is synonymous to the advance medicine and medical treatment Israel is known for and which she shares with the entire world.

Hadassah Medical Center is an institute every human being is to be proud of. The support the Haifa Malka Hadassah Chapter of Southern California amasses for this institute is the ultimate example of charity.

Hadassah Haifa-Nalka-All the ladies of Hadassah Haifa-Nalka chapter- Photo by Orly Halevy
Hadassah Haifa-Nalka-All the ladies of Hadassah Haifa-Nalka chapter- Photo by Orly Halevy

At present Hadassah is going through a financial crisis. Women all over the world invest a tremendous amount of time, efforts and assets to keep the institute open and operating so it can offer its services to everyone, Jews and any other minority residing in Israel. Yet, the sad part is that the world ignores Hadassah’s indiscriminating modus or operandi, vilifying Israel and accusing her for being an apartheid state.

Ask a Jew why he does that? Because that is the way of a Jewish culture, to help others until, hopefully one day the world will recognize their goodwill. But my question is, till when, we, Jews, Israel, will need to hear the false blame game applied to us?

About the Author
Nurit is an advocate for Jews, Israel, the United States and the Free World in general and sees Israel and the United States, equally, as the last two forts of true democratic freedom. Since 2006, she has been writing about events in these two countries. From Southern California, Nurit believes that if you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything.