Michael Berenhaus

Hamas gets a free pass at The Washington Post

In “Israel needs to make tough strategic choices” (1/22/24), why is Israel the only side ‘needing’ to make tough choices? For all the reports that The Washington Post has published critical of Israel, including this editorial, why are there no editorials critical of Hamas, asking them to make tough choices?

Why are the The Washington Post, other media sources, the US administration, the European Union, etc ‘urging’ only Israel on how the aftermath of this conflict should look?
Spoiler alert to all the above entities: Hamas does not want and is not asking for a two-state solution. They have an ipso facto state now, and look at the barbaric massacre that they inflicted upon Israel: 1200 slaughtered Israelis through mutilation, burning alive, and other torturous ways. This included the murder of babies. They then took 240 hostages, also including babies, and hold half that number to this day.
So with the world lambasting Israel for the casualty count and carnage, with all the protests against Israel, why is no one stating the obvious: Hamas is so fanatically committed to devastating Israel they don’t even act like they care about the resulting devastation to their own people! Isn’t it time for Hamas to make tough choices? The world should demand that they make the choice to stop fighting, surrender, and return the remaining hostages – who may or may not still be alive.
For some reason, this obvious point never enters into the discussion of the Gaza war in any Washington Post article. The US administration, the UK, the European Union are also conspicuously silent to this. The ‘best’ approach is to ‘urge’ the Israelis to reward Hamas for what they did, and give them additional opportunities to do it all over again, which they promised? Utter nonsense – and neither the US, the UK, the EU would take that end of the bargain in a million years – so why are they forcing it on Israel?
About the Author
Dr. Berenhaus has worked tirelessly as a watchdog for anti-Israel bias in the media. His efforts monitoring and responding to false media reports on Israel have compelled several news organizations to retract inaccuracies and publish letters clarifying the truth about Israel. He has been published widely in highly distributed newspapers and online publications including The Washington Post, The NY Times, The Economist, The Baltimore Sun, The Washington Jewish Week, and The American Thinker. He is a crusader in online/social media working to educate the general public as an advocate of Israel and against anti-Semitism. Dr. Berenhaus is a co-founder of ‘Boycott The Post’ and of ‘Eye on the Post’ - two non-profit organizations that monitor media coverage to ensure accuracy, fairness and truth as it relates to Israel. He is also a founder of The Pakistan Israel Peace Forum, an organization dedicated to creating peace between Muslims and Jews. Although many people in the Washington Jewish community know Dr. Berenhaus for his work in journalism, most don't know how generous he is to the Jewish community with both his time and money. Dr. Berenhaus has spent countless hours throughout the years volunteering for Israel and Jewish organizations. He went to Ethiopia and worked with the last remaining Ethiopian Jews. He has lectured to Interns and community groups providing direction and techniques for Israel Advocacy in the media. Currently, Dr. Berenhaus is working with JSSA to coordinate and donate eye glasses to the entire Washington DC region of needy Holocaust Survivors. That effort has now been expanded nationally.