Hey BDS People, Divest Yourselves
I know there is nothing else going on right now that the American Football season is over until the summer, but really, this BDS thing is getting kind of old.
The BDS Movement, which stands for Boycott Divestment Sanction or as I call it Bullying Democratic Societies, is just wasting everyone’s time.
Don’t buy from Israel or products made in Israel.
Don’t do a concert in Israel.
Don’t buy Israeli produce.
Right, okay, whatever.
But here is the key economic benefit you have missed, or rather, you have chosen to ignore, you hypocrites. Israel exports more software and intellectual capital than all of the other items combined. Oh and we do the other things too, which you may not even realize.
Your iPhone/iPad? Israeli Hardware
Your Car? Over 16 Israeli companies supply parts to GM.
Your security or terrorist units, who do you think they call when they need help? Israel’s army and ex-army teams.
Your laptops or computers? Israeli chip technology which Intel uses and produces some chips in Israel.
Software? Stop using Waze, Moovit, Facebook and hundreds of other apps on your phone and pc.
I could go on and on, but I would not want you to be without a house, or garden shed or a stool or some other piece of your life you need.
So, now that you realize you have not even been scratching the surface of your daily lives that need to be ethnically cleansed, what are you going to do with all your cars, electronics, phones and bras and bathing suits?
Yes, that is correct, you will be giving them up. Immediately.
Isn’t that what you are trying to convince people to do as well? Shouldn’t you be the first to revert to the stone age of pencil and paper and stop being online?
To help you with this, I have amassed an army of friendly organizations that are in need of all of these items I mentioned and would love to take any items they can to help provide for orphanages, broken families, people in need of transportation, kids in distress, battered women shelters, hurricane and disaster relief teams.
You see, you have the luxury, nay, the moral superiority, to let go of these horrible, materialistic, Israeli items and do something righteous and respectable in return.
By doing this you would gain an immense amount of respect, no doubt, from every corner of the world. It would be like cleansing the items in question.
Yes, “but it is still Israeli products” I hear you saying. This is true, and that fact is not going away any time soon. I am just providing you an alternative solution for your hypocritical selves to feel better, like the carbon offsets. But this is free to you, so it makes it an even better deal.
Should you be unable to find any such organization at your college town location, rural farm land or any country on Earth, please leave your details in the comments section and I will be happy to arrange everything for you.